Financing Fundamentals

An introduction to the basic differences between fixed and variable interest rates for mortgages.

Introduction to Interest Rates

Understanding the types of interest rates available is essential when shopping for a mortgage. The rate you choose can have a significant impact on your monthly payments and the overall cost of your loan.

Fixed Interest Rates

Fixed rates remain the same for the duration of the mortgage term. This predictability makes budgeting easier, as your payments stay consistent.

Variable Interest Rates

Variable rates can fluctuate with market conditions. Although they can sometimes offer lower initial rates, there is a risk that rates could increase over time.


In my experience, fixed rates offer peace of mind, while variable rates are a gamble that can pay off if market rates decline.


Your choice should reflect your comfort with risk and your financial plans for the future.

Morgan Chase
Morgan Chase has been a financial advisor and loan officer for over 15 years. Specializing in residential mortgages and personal loans, Morgan has helped thousands navigate the complex landscape of lending. Sharing knowledge and offering guidance, finance has always been Morgan's passion and hobby.
Morgan Chase has been a financial advisor and loan officer for over 15 years. Specializing in residential mortgages and personal loans, Morgan has helped thousands navigate the complex landscape of lending. Sharing knowledge and offering guidance, finance has always been Morgan's passion and hobby.

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